During my shower my contractions were getting stronger and were now 2-3 minutes apart. I had been checking myself for several weeks and decided to check myself while in the shower. I couldn't feel anything...I was suddenly pissed. I was sure that if I was in labor that my cervix would be low and now it was so high I couldn't feel anything. I guess that's what one thinks when someone who doesn't really know the process the body goes through during labor. I get out and start expressing my frustration to Michael, he tells me I need to just relax and we would see what the nurses would say when we got to the hospital. Ugh! I hate it when he's right. ;) I got myself ready and then proceeded to get Ethan up. It was going to be a breakfast in the truck kind of day...he was pretty excited.
Thankfully the truck was already loaded with everything we needed...including a trash liner and towels on the seat. ;) By the time we left the house it had been 45 minutes since I began timing the contractions. They were VERY uncomfortable at this point and I was mentally trying to prepare for the fact that it was going to be a LONG hour and fifteen minute ride to the hospital. I brought along a pop tart to eat but couldn't even think about eating by this point. I was timing the contractions with an app on my phone and within 10 minutes of being on the road they were 2 minutes apart and lasting 45 seconds - 1 minute long.
Of course we hit every light red and there were lots of slow drivers out, most of which needed to turn off onto side roads in front of us, causing lots of starting and stopping/slowing down. I was tested to the limit as I had to maintain self control since Ethan was in the back seat. I was experiencing mainly back pain which made being uncomfortable even worse. At that point, Ethan's car seat was behind my seat so I couldn't recline my seat, which I was sure would have helped. I just kept alternating grabbing the center console and hubs hand. Bless hubby's heart...he just kept saying, "You're doing great, babe. I promise I will get you to the hospital". I teasingly said, "before or after the baby gets here". It felt good to laugh and sorta joke in such a trying time.
The plan was to meet my Dad at the front door and he would just take our vehicle to his house with Ethan, that way we wouldn't have to get Ethan out. So we pulled up to the front door and my Dad came out with a wheelchair. I was so ready to get out of the truck but I wasn't so sure I wanted to sit any longer. One thing about it, in that moment I didn't have time to get emotional about leaving Ethan...which was a good thing. I hugged and kissed him, telling him how much I loved him and told him that Gramps (which is what he calls my dad) would bring him back to see mommy and daddy and Elliott. He was so excited to get to spend time with Gramps, I dont' think he even really listened to what I was telling him. :)
Michael wheeled me through the door and I decided I wanted to walk. ((probably not my smartest decision)). We made the 25 foot jaunt to the elevators. Once the doors closed I had to get down on all fours to get through the contractions. Thankfully no one else was on the elevator with us. The doors opened on the 5th floor and the 200 foot walk to the the check in window seemed a mile away. I told Michael, walking was probably only making things worse. He said we are almost there babe...you got this. I was glad he had confidence in me...I wasn't as sure as he was. I kept thinking to myself, "Please just let me be dilated to a four so they will keep me, please don't let them send me home".
We got to the check in window and they asked "Can I help you". I responded with "I think I'm in labor". They handed me a form to fill out and before I could even write my name I had to drop to the ground again. I think the nurses and staff realized I was serious. The next thing I knew they were trying to get me up to get me back to a room. The contraction finally subsided and I was able to get up. The nurses were rushing me to a room, walking faster then I really cared to go but I couldn't wait to get into a bed and finally be able to lay down. The nurses were actually assisting me in getting my clothes off and into a gown. I barely got my 'outer' clothes off before I was having another contraction so I laid down on my side on the bed. A nurse said she was going to check me and I began begging her to wait until after the contraction. She said it was important for her to do it now and to "just relax". I almost laughed when she said it but instead I tightened up and it was literally like a tug-a-war between me trying to keep my legs together and her trying to get them apart. Needless to say she won. What she said next I was in no way prepared for...she spoke the words no person with minimal pain tolerance wants to hear..."only a rim and +2". After hearing those words the stark reality suddenly hit me. I knew exactly what that meant...no time for any kind of drug. They immediately wheeled me into a delivery room and on the way a nurse shouted out, "does anyone even know her name". Thankfully my ever so cool, calm and collected hubby was right there to answer and also advised them of who my doctor was. I could hear him behind me the whole time, saying, "I'm right here baby...you're doing great...I love you so much". I could hear his voice changing, knowing that even though I couldn't see him, there were tears welling up in his eyes.
During the trip to the delivery room I said to the nurse, "but my water hasn't broke". She said to me, "that's the only thing holding that baby in". After getting into a delivery room...of course another contraction. They wanted me onto the delivery bed and were going to wait until the contraction subsided until I spoke the dreaded words, "I think I'm shi**ing my pants". I didn't know what else to say...even though I knew I wasn't wearing any pants. lol. The nurses decided there was no time to wait so heave hove, they scooped me up and put me onto the delivery bed. By this time my hubby was on the other side waiting to greet me with a kiss on the forehead. He whispered in my ear, with tears running down his cheek and onto mine, "Baby you are doing so awesome...we are going to meet our little man very soon". Then he prayed. ((Just reliving these moments while typing this is bringing tears to my eyes)). There was so much commotion going on and I remember asking over and over, "can I please get some drugs?". [[cricket cricket]] No one would respond to me, so I knew what that meant. However I was like a broken record...anytime anyone would come near me, I had to ask again. I'm sure the nurses just loved me.
I was still on my side and the nurses were so nice to work around me and let me be in what ever position I was most comfortable in. The nurse who put my IV in was even standing behind me and some how managed to get it in without me really even realizing it...which it's not like I didn't have anything else on my mind. A male doctor soon entered the room and introduced himself and said they had paged my doctor but if I progressed before she got there he would be there to deliver Elliott. I remember thinking I wish he would stop talking so I can just ask him if I could get some drugs. I think I finally interrupted him and asked...he to gave me the silent treatment. During that split silence I thought to myself, gosh I don't even care that you are a dude. lol.
Even though I was in crazy pain everything was happening so fast...including the contractions. I was still saying I felt like I was shi**ing my pants and that I wanted to push. A nurse humored me and lifted my sheet and looked at my hubby and said, "She's not shi**ing". lol. In unison several nurses said at the same time, "if you feel you need to push, go ahead and push". It never felt so good to "push". The next thing I know I hear a very familiar voice come through the door. My doctor actually made it. She was her chipper self and clapped her hands and said, "Lets have a baby". I was so not in the mood for chipper but I was never so happy to hear her voice. Of course the first thing out of my mouth was..."I really want some drugs". Finally a nurse acknowledged me and whispered in my ear...honey it's to late...drugs aren't going to help at this point...lets get this little guy out and you won't need any drugs. Oy!! I was basically slapped in the face with reality and realized why everyone had been ignoring me all this time.
My doctor said I needed to roll over onto my back...which was the last thing I wanted to do...so the nurses assisted. Off came the end of the bed, up went my legs and the doctor broke my water. Then "Push" when you're ready, was all I heard. So pushing is what I did. My best friend, support person, life coach and husband was right there cheering for me the entire time. Every time he spoke, a sense of peace and confidence came over me. I was so worried about shi**ing everywhere it was affecting my pushing so finally I decided, phewy I don't even care anymore...if I shi* everywhere, then I guess I will just shi* everywhere. Once I let my worries go within two pushes, Michael looks down and says, "there is our sweet baby's face". The doctor said one more push and he will be here. I pushed like I had never pushed before and there before my eyes was my precious baby boy. "I did it, I did it, I did it". I couldn't believe I had actually done it. He was perfect. Hubby had his arm wrapped around Elliott and myself and we all just cried. Within minutes of him being placed on my chest, time almost seemed to stop and I wanted to soak up every second of that moment. I was in a state of shock and complete euphoria. Everything couldn't have gone better.
I'm not going to lie...after he was born and the doctor "finishing up" was by far the worse part. The actual delivery was no where near as bad as I would have thought it was going to be. On that note, it would not be something I would want to experience again...the all natural thing that is. I prefer the relaxed setting and getting to enjoy the process. From the time we arrived to the hospital till the time he was born, was less then 25 minutes. I had prayed to God throughout my pregnancy, that I wanted to be more present in the delivery and for Him to grant me peace and strength to do so. Boy did He ever answer that prayer. ;) I should have specified exactly what I meant by 'more present'. lol.
Elliott was having a hard time keeping his temperature up so I got lots of skin to skin time before they scooped him up to take him to nursery. During our 'recovery' time we started calling and texting everyone to let them know our sweet baby boy was here and healthy. It was nice to finally see the faces and learn the names of the staff who were a part of our wild and crazy journey. The staff at Mercy Hospital were amazing!!
He was born at 10:49 AM on Saturday, 2.23.13. Weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces and 20 inches.
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Minutes old |
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My perfect family |