Wednesday, March 21, 2012

And we wait...

Well, whatta ya know?? Ovulation came about when expected. YAY!! It was two days later this month than last month but within a day of the normal time that it has occurred in 4 of the past 6 months.  I called my doctor and have scheduled my 7 DPO (days past ovulation) progesterone blood work. I’m curious to see where it will be at compared to last month.

I’m slightly disappointed because I did not have the same great results with the Mucinex this month. I never got the EWCF (Warning…possible TMI…EWCF = egg white cervical fluid) that I got last month. EWCF is the most ‘sperm friendly’ CF. I was really hoping to have the same results this month, since I hadn’t had EGCF since we started trying until I started taking the Mucinex last month. I can’t help but think that made all the difference last month…without the obvious, hand from God. I’d love nothing more then for Him to prove me wrong.

I’m going to have to do a lot to keep my mind busy these next 10-12 days. It would be an absolute miracle, but would love to be able to test and get a positive test by next Thursday, 3/29. It would make that day a little less painful, as it was to be the day that we had our first ultrasound. And of the fun it would be to tell family, “Surprise, we’re pregnant” on April fool’s day.

My mind goes into over load with thinking of stuff like that. I know I just set myself up for disappointment but it gives me exciting fun things to think about during the dreadful ‘two week wait’, which is the time between ovulation and when it’s possible to get a positive home pregnancy test.

I will go ahead and admit it now…by this time next week I will become a ‘pee on a stick addict’. LOL! I bought the cheap pregnancy test off Amazon so my hubby doesn’t mind when I test super early, since it doesn’t hurt the pocket book as bad. When I say cheap…I really mean 25 tests for just over $8 (Click here to buy). They are super sensitive, some say even more so then the test used at a doctors office.

Well, in the meantime, I will stay positive, drink plenty of fluids and pray like crazy!

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