Thursday, July 26, 2012


The day finally arrived!! I woke up at 6:00 this morning having to pee and then couldn't go back to sleep because I was overcome with excitement.

Thankfully our appointment was fairly early at 10:00 AM and since we live an hour from the doctor it helped make the morning go by much faster. Of course the doctor was running 45 minutes behind but we had waited 8 weeks (5 really) so surely we could wait a few extra minutes. After being weighed and checked in we waited some more. The nurse told us that the doctor would come in, talk with us, go over any questions and then step out for me to get undressed to do the exam and ultrasound. biggie. Well the doctor finally comes in and asks, "Why do you still have your clothes on?" After explaining to her what the nurse said, she said, "Oh help...I'll step out so you can get undressed...I'll be back". So again...we waited!!

She came back in and got right to it. Suddenly I was so nervous. I just prayed and prayed for good news. Then up on the screen popped the cutest lil' "baby boo" ever. The doctor quickly moved the 'wand' (aka vaginal ultrasound) to check to make sure there was just one baby and discovered a "mass". She said it could be blood behind the uterus but since I'm not having any bleeding or spotting it more then likely was a twin that didn't develop. WOW...was not expecting that.

8 week 'baby boo' looking right at the camera.

Same picture as above just with descriptions to help know what your seeing.

After checking everything out and determining everything looked great, the doctor went back to focus on our amazing sweet baby. As she was measuring 'it', 'it' started wiggling and moving it's arm back and forth. It was breathtaking. Such a miracle!! Measuring right on track and with a strong heart beat of the words of Mary Poppins, "Perfect in every way"!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Feelin' great...

Since my last post I've discovered that freshly squeezed lemon juice in my ice cold water is the miracle cure for my morning/all day sickness. Thank the Lord!!! The headaches have finally subsided and I haven't had a nosebleed in several days. YAY!!

8 Weeks
I can't believe we finally made it to week 8! It seems like so long ago that we got our BFP. This week is a special week because we get to have our first ultrasound done. When we had our first ultrasound with Ethan I was only 7 weeks along he just looked like a "tube" with a heartbeat. He wasn't moving around yet and his arms and legs had barely 'budded' so he literally just looked like a peanut on the screen. This time around I will be 8 weeks and 4 days so we should be able to see lil' baby boo moving too. :)

Not a whole lot has been going on around here. Last Friday we went on our first one-on-one date in almost 2 years (minus a double date we went on last year). We had a great time but it was still hard leaving Ethan behind, especially when he loves baseball so much (we went to a minor league Triple A Cardinals baseball game). We decided next time we go we will get 'lawn tickets' and take him with us. I think he will love it and I personally will probably be more comfortable on the ground rather then sitting straight up in close quarters in the seats.

We don't miss 'going out'. We were home bodies before we became parents so we don't mind just hanging out at home. Plus, we are both firm believers in the fact that we decided to 'have a family' so we can do things 'as a family'. So we don't mind finding activities to do that is fun for all of us. We understand that we need 'mommy and daddy' time but we mostly spend the time away from Ethan, just talking about him. :)

Since we are so blessed with family that just loves to spend time with Ethan, we already have another date night planned for Friday. Should be a week of good times.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Nosebleeds, headaches and nausea...oh my!!! This pregnancy is definitely different then with Ethan. The nausea has been slowly building over the past few days. No matter what I eat, nothing seems to help. However, waiting too long between meals definitely makes it worse. Thankfully it's not to the point of making me hurl but I don't hardly have the strength or energy to do anything. I'm so glad playing with trucks, doing ABC flash cards or watching TV can all be done while laying down. I was so hopeful that I wouldn't be affected by it mainly so it wouldn't interfere with being a mom. When I was pregnant with Ethan the nausea was so mild and was mainly triggered by smells. I have cut back on my eating but only because nothing sounds good. Peanut butter crackers and jello are my go to snacks because it seems like one or the other always taste good. I started taking B6, since it's supposed to help with the nausea. I've only been taking it for 2 days so hopefully it kicks in within the next week. I really don't want to add the unisom because I'm already so tired and there would be no way I could function with that in my system.

The nosebleeds are something completely new for me. They are so random...I don't get it. I don't like dealing with blood anyway so they are not helping with the nausea at all!! Then the headaches kicked in last night. I hate headaches enough as it is when nothing else is bothering me, now they are just pissing me off. I'm like..." this too"!!

I'm amazed the difference my body is handling this pregnancy with just the 3 short years it's been since my pregnancy with Ethan. It really is true what they say...mid thirties brings on a whole new ball game on how your body deals with things. I will survive and I've said it's only temporary. Hopefully temporary in the sense of just a few short weeks (aka 6, which will put me into the 2nd trimester) and not in the sense of temporary like 33 weeks. Either way, I'll get through it and it will be worth in the end. At this point, it's just confirming that my body is doing what it needs to do for a healthy pregnancy...and that I am ok with.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Oh the Joys...

I am not a superstitious person but with today being Friday the 13th, people tend to be a little more crazy on days like this. So I try to avoid the crazies at all cost. lol.

I'm feeling really good. The gas has subsided, which is reason to celebrate in my book. My appetite has continued but thankfully I still haven't gained any weight. Most would be excited to get to eat and eat and eat...but that's not how I work. Eating is exhausting. A constant battle of trying to decide what to eat and what sounds good, drives me batty. I wish I could just eat and enjoy it but instead as I'm eating, I'm thinking to myself, "Ugh...what am I going to eat in 2 hours when I'm going to be hungry took me 20 minutes to decide what to eat this time!?!" Then add what to feed Ethan for meals and snacks and so on and so on and so on. Oy!!

Ethan had been getting up earlier then normal, for what ever reason, for the past couple weeks. So my very smart hubby decided to get out some of his old hot wheels, boats & trailers, tractors, etc. and give them to Ethan to play with. He decided to put them in a basket in Ethan's room with the thought that he would play with them once he got up and give me a little bit more time to sleep. [Earlier than normal = 7-8 AM compared to the normal 9-9:30 AM] It worked!! I could hear him playing but was able to get a few more minutes of rest before I had to roll out of bed. Not to mention how fun it is just to listen to him playing and making car, boat, tractor, motorcycle, etc. noises thru the monitor.

Fast forward to this morning. I heard him at 8:00 but he was happy so I just rolled over. When he's ready for me to get up, he knocks on his door and says, "Momma, up please". Well, after going back to sleep I heard the knock and thought, " much for sleeping in". Then I looked at the clock and it was 10:00!! WOW! He must have really been having fun and I must have really been tired. So I get myself his door...and O.M.G.S.H.!!!!!! His room was destroyed!!

He had pulled his toy box out of his closet and pulled every toy out. He opened a case of diapers. Thankfully his laundry basket was empty but he pulled his shirts off of their hangers and put them into the laundry basket. He emptied all drawers of his dresser and 80% of the toys and books off the toy shelves.

All that is good and fine. No big deal...big mess that can easily be cleaned up. you can see the top drawer of the dresser is open...with the assistance of a basket turned upside down to be used as a step. In that top drawer is a mixture of things...gloves, hats, travel sheet, his baptism outfit and blanket. There's also a little basket (that can be seen on top of the shelf, next to the dresser) it holds odds and ends like missing socks, allen wrench, a CD of children's music and a small tube of Vaseline. As you can guess...the Vaseline was discovered. Ethan is a pro at unscrewing lids and 'helping' himself.

When I first walked into his room I was over whelmed with the mess so I laid down on his bed. He climbed up to lay down with me so I asked for a hug. I immediately knew something was up. His skin was soooo soft. My first thought was he got his bottle of lotion off the shelf in the closet. Then I took a closer look and his hair looked very wet. I thought to myself...'Oh golly...this can only mean one thing...". I asked Ethan to show me what he had put on his arms and legs and hair. He went straight to it was right where he left it. GREAT!! I had completely forgot about it being in there.

So he got a Dawn® bath. So thankful for that stuff!! It did the trick of getting it out of his hair and off his skin. I was so afraid of getting it in his eyes but he did great. Now I just need to wash his shirt in it so I can get all the lovely grease out of it too. I will say...his skin is still very soft and I'm sort of jealous by it's softness. I mean "baby's" skin is always soft but this is like rubbing cotton balls kind of soft. If it wasn't such a mess I would 'treat' my own skin. lol.

I guess Ethan thinks since it's Friday the 13th he can act crazy!! lol

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sweet Pea...

Sunday's have always been special to me but they hold an even more special meaning now...they mark a new week in my pregnancy journey. And this week marks week #6!!!
Baby's the size of a sweet pea.
 I'm feeling great, other then feeling like I could eat a house at all times of the day. I haven't gained any weight but I have literally added another meal about 4 hours after dinner. I'm exhausted by mid day but thankfully Ethan is on a roll with taking good naps (2-3 hours) so that means this momma gets a good nap too. :)

The gas pains are better. I didn't try the lemon water but the Mylicon has been a life saver. I usually only have issues at night, for what ever reason. BM's are still awful. Thankfully I'm not constipated but the movement of the air in my intestines is ridiculous. I tell my body...bring it on, I'm up for the challenge! It's worth it...and I would take this over morning sickness any day. On a positive note, I have had to up my bra size. ( . Y . ) lol.

We've been talking more and more to Ethan about him being a big brother. Of course he is very He calls the baby, "baby boo" and nothing is sweeter then him saying, "Thank you Jesus for baby boo, Amen". I think I've found what I want for his new bedding...aka big boy bedding. Glad I found it early because I'm going to have to save to buy it. lol. The plan is to get him his when we get the baby's. Trying to incorporate him as much as possible. I'm on the hunt for my old cabbage patch dolls, one of which is a boy, so he can practice being a big brother. I asked him how he was going to help me with the baby and he said, "fold clothes" and "rub lotion" in rub the lotion on the baby. I can't wait for all his help.

Right now I have one baby growing inside me that is the size of sweet pea and I have toddler who is being a sweet pea. I love my life!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pain in my...

We had our appointment with our nurse yesterday. We went over medical history, filled out paperwork and I had blood work done. Oh joy!! Since we live an hour from the doctors office and we were headed to my grandma's that afternoon, we had to take Ethan with us. He did so good, but when I had to get the blood drawn, we decided it was best for my hubby and Ethan to stay in the waiting room. I was determined to do this on my own! They sat me in a room with 3 chairs, two of them already being occupied. So I sat down and waiting for what seemed like 10 minutes, which was probably closer to 2-3. The crappy part about this was I had to sit and see the other two people get their blood drawn. They were placed just 'perfectly' so no matter where I looked I could see them, either straight on or by my peripheral vision. YUCK!! I just ended up having to shut my eyes. Of course no one was talking, so that just made it mentally worse. The nurse finally came over and started to prep my right arm, when I said, "I think it's best if you use my left arm, it has a better vein". Since I knew there were going to be several vials (6 to be exact), I didn't want to deal with that after her having to 'search' for a vein. She was quick and it didn't hurt...except mentally. "All done, you're free to go" is what she said as she slapped a gauze 'wad' and tape on my arm.  Ugh...I hate the darn tape...why can't they always use that non-adhesive/stick to itself wrap?! As we were leaving, my husband says he has to go to the bathroom so I took Ethan on to the truck to get him loaded. As we were walking thru the parking lot I look down at my arm and see already the blood has soaked thru the gauze. WTH!! That so did not help my unsettled stomach. After getting us all loaded into the truck, I had to take a few minutes to recover. That is one thing about myself that frustrates me the most, but I've been this way my whole life, Lord knows nothing is going to change it now.
One of my biggest concerns has been the gas.'s so ridiculous. Not 'releasing' it...if I could do that I'm sure I would feel so much better. It just builds and builds and gurgles and becomes sooo painful. Like unable to move, break out in a sweat kind of pain. Nothing like I've ever experienced. The nurse said Mylicon drops work wonders on adults just as they do on babies. WOW really!! They were amazing for Ethan when he was a baby so I can't wait to try them for myself. Just in case they don't work I also read that warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice works great. So I will be doing that too.
Bloat at 4 wks
I remember having a bloat bump with Ethan but not this early. This is out of control. This picture was taken a week ago, at 4 weeks, and you can plainly see the difference from when I get up compared to when I go to bed. As much as I can't hardly wait to have a bump, this is so not the way I want it.  As painful as it is I will take it any day of the week over 'morning sickness'. I keep telling myself, it's only temporary and it will be worth it in the end when I get to hold our sweet baby in my arms.

After our appointment we had a lunch date with one of my best my favorite place, Schlotzsky's! Yummy!! Lunch was great but what I really was looking forward to was the pedi's we went to get afterwards. Not only was the pedi A-MAZ-ING but to just sit and talk was awesome! Being a SAHM I don't get these little moments very often, so when I get the chance for one on one 'girl friend' conversation I don't hardly shut up. My friend is pregnant and due in August and she is so cute with her baby bump. Getting to live the past 7 months thru her pregnancy has been so fun. I can't wait for her little guy to get here. Hearing all about her pregnancy has really helped me through my struggles and ups and downs of the past 9 months.

Happy 4th!! So thankful for our freedoms that so many veterans have fought for this country to have. Above that, I'm so grateful to Jesus for fighting for our soul's freedoms. God Bless!!