Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Up up up...

Up is a word that describes a lot of things right now. Up describes the temperature outside, which is historically high, setting a record yesterday and expected to do so a few more times this week. In the past 12 months we are 15" behind on rain that is needed. Up also describes my spirit right now. There is just something about believing 100% in God's timing. Even on my worst of days, He always lifted me Up!! Up also describes my own attitude. Something about having a dream come true that does that for a person. :)

And...drum roll please...Up describes my HCG beta levels. When my Dr called me today I was so nervous but that was quickly diminished by the sound of her voice. The first statement out of her mouth after confirming it was really me, was "Congratulations"!! She said your levels are normal so we need to get your ultrasound scheduled. Woo Hoo!!! I just had to know what the levels were...a whooping 500.2. I couldn't be happier!!!

My ultrasound is scheduled for July 26th!! :)

Here's a quick peek into my HPT obsession:
**Click on the picture to enlarge**

Friday, June 22, 2012


Just wanted to give a quick update...

The nurse at my Dr. office called me today with the results from yesterday's HCG beta check. She said it came back at 16.6. Initially she was concerned with the number, stating it was low. To my surprise, I wasn't concerned...probably because I spent some time with 'Mr. Google' last night trying to research all I could about HCG levels in early pregnancy. From what I found at 3 weeks pregnant, a "normal" HCG level ranges between 5 - 50.

I informed the nurse that I was only 10DPO yesterday and her response was, "Oh, then that's probably about right for as early as you are". She sounded as anxious as I am about my second draw scheduled on Monday. LOL!

I'm feeling super positive though. I took another HPT today and the line was darker today then it was yesterday. Already the lines are darker now then they ever were in February. YAY!!

As you know by now, I'm always thinking and planning something. So I've been thinking about how and when to tell our family. Of course I probably won't be able to hold it in much longer from my family. I'm basically just waiting on the right time to take my digital HPT and for it to display the wonderful word...PREGNANT!! I don't want to waste it so I will probably wait to take it till after I get the results from Monday's blood draw. As for my hubby's family...here's what I'm thinking. When we announced the news with Ethan, it was when family was visiting from out of town for the 4th of July holiday. So since family will again be visiting for the holiday...how fun would it be to announce again...and with the same due date.  Who knows...there's plenty of time to decide between now and then. In the end, it's when ever the hubby is comfortable announcing it. I will say...having the blood work come back to confirm really helped it to sink in with him. :)

Oh...and one last thing...I asked Ethan, yesterday, if he wanted to be a big brother, and he said, "Uh huh"...nodding his head yes. I said do you want a baby sister or baby brother...his response was, "baby sister". :)  How sweet is that. Of course I had to ask him again today and his answer was still the same. He sure knows how to make my heart sing.

Thankful for my many blessings...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Special Day...

This cycle as been so off from my normal cycles. Between my temps being higher then normal and my ovulation day being in question I didn't even know what to think of this cycle.

I tried not to put to much thought into this cycle, for other reasons as well. When we got pregnant with Ethan it was during the month of May. So many thoughts have been going through my head...wouldn't it be cool if..., oh, what if...I wonder if..., etc. I took an HPT on Father's Day, June 21st in 2009 and got a positive and was really hoping to be able to do that again, but that wasn't going to happen because Father's Day was early this year. So I began to 'get real' with myself.

I was convinced I wasn't going to have any symptoms this month. Even if I had some, I wasn't going to pay any attention to them. On CD22...holy sore boobs!!! I didn't even want my husband to look at them, let alone touch them. This has been the case since. Yesterday I took a HPT and of course it was negative. Then last night a massive vein appears on my left boob and I think to myself, "where the hell did that come from". So this morning...June 21st (CD26) I took another HPT and it was a super faint positive. Did you catch that...A BFP!!!! I began to get excited but I'm trying to remain realistic. So 1.5 hours later I couldn't resist and had to take another test. This time I took a different HPT and just for fun, did an OPK too. ::picture cartoon character eyes popping out of a head, with a Ford Model T horn honking:: Both very positive.

Ok, that sealed the deal for me. I put a call into my OB to see what the game plan should be, but wanted to make sure they kept our appointment on July 2nd, in case something happened between now and then. The nurse returned my call in less then 15 min and informed me my Dr wanted me to come in for a beta check today and then again on Monday to make sure my 'levels' were increasing.  So, since no one who lives close to us knows of our 'trying' and my hubby was working, I didn't have a choice but to take Ethan with me to have my blood drawn. He did so good so afterwards we went to eat lunch with Dada. The nurse suspected she would have the results within 4 hours and she would let me know the results as soon as she had them. I'm not expecting her to call today but looking forward to her call in the morning.

Until then, we celebrate this little life and pray for a healthy happy 9 months!!!

P.S. My EDD is 3.3.13...and for the record Ethan's EDD was 3.3.10 ~ CRAZY!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What the...

Just when I think I've got something figured out...WHAM...curve ball. Ugh!!

This cycle has been very different then the past eight. My temps have been high, for me, and I'm so confused as to why. I mentioned something to my hubby a week ago about it but figured they would come down the closer to 'O' time. NOPE...of course not...that would be to easy. For what ever reason I started testing with my OPKs on CD9. I don't know why I started testing so early, I guess I just had this urge to pee on something...lol. CD14 finally arrives and I pee on one OPK just before lunch...it's almost positive but not quite. Then I peed on my evening one at 7ish and it is definitely a positive...woo hoo!! On CD15 both tests were positive and I had cramping (on my left side...like always). I was sure it was 'O' day. So CD16 comes and my morning test is darker then I expected but not really a positive and by the evening test it's for sure a negative. Wham bam thank you ma'am...our timing couldn't have been better...but that's not really any different then the past 9 months.

Then CD17 arrives and a huge temp drop...what the??? That has never happened and doesn't make any sense. I think to myself, well the A/C wasn't on, the windows weren't open and I was sleeping in the same thing I had been for several days. ((I try to change as little as possible about my environment when 'O' day is approaching.)) Sure I probably slept with my mouth open...but that is definitely something that I do every night. So I figured...maybe it's because I only got 4.5 hours of sleep, the night before. Even though I know, less sleeps equals higher temps, it was the only thing that was different and out of the ordinary.

So today, CD18...an increase in my temps but not even back up to where they were. So tonight I decided to pee on another stick (I just ordered more that will be here Monday anyway so what could it hurt). It wasn't quite positive but it looked exactly like the morning test did on CD14. So I logged on to Fertility Friend (FF) and put in some dummy temps, with a slight increase for the next few days, to see what it would say/show. It doesn't give my 'cross hairs' until Monday, showing 'O' day as today...and they are dotted to boot. If you don't chart I'm totally speaking gibberish right now...but in layman's terms 'cross hairs' are a vertical and horizontal line on a BBT chart. The vertical line signifies when your 'projected' ovulation day was and the horizontal line (aka cover line) is just for visual purposes. Generally, as long as your temps stay above the cover line (which is .10 degrees above your highest temp for the last 6 temps prior to ovulation) it shows a shift in your temps (which is necessary for ovulation) and you're more likely to be pregnant. Dotted cross hairs says things aren't adding up but here's our best guess. [click the link on the right titled "My Chart" to see my chart and get an idea of what I'm talking about]

I'm so beyond frustrated!!

On a different note...I had my follow up Dr appointment, regarding my ER visit almost 2 weeks ago. This was the first time I had met this Dr so I didn't know what to expect. He looks a tad dorky but he is super nice. I appreciated him being straight forward and saying..."here's what it could be...here's why I don't think it's this...here's why I think it's this...here's the treatment plans for possibility A, B and C". He acknowledged and respected our fertility journey and said we would fit treatment around my cycles. I was impressed and felt at ease when we left. He, like the ER Dr, thinks it's an ulcer. He said it could still be my gall bladder but not likely. He said not stones but possibly 'sludge'. The plan is to finish my prescription of Prevacid and give it time to get out of my system to see if my symptoms return. If they don't..yahoo...problem solved and should it return it likely could be treated with OTC meds. Definitely best case scenario. If my symptoms return, I will go in for an upper GI (aka scope). Being slightly sedated, then have a tube/camera stuck down my throat to view the damage/confirm the ulcer and to get sample tissue to test for the bacteria that is known to cause the peptic ulcer. If that test confirms the ulcer I will be put on 'several rounds of strong antibiotic...meaning 2-3 different kinds at a time...for several weeks'. Ugh...ok...not my favorite scenario but do able. If the scope doesn't show anything, testing will be done to further check my gall bladder. Yee Haw...no thanks!! Praying for a simple, quick recovery.

No time for these praying knees to get lazy!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Taking the next step...

Well I made the call and set up our 2nd fertility appointment. The first one we scheduled we cancelled because we got our BFP. I'm excited and sad at the same time. Sad at the fact that it's come to this and for what ever reason after 9 months of trying and having perfect timing, we just haven't been successful. Excited because I am so ready to take the necessary steps in figuring out if there's an underlying reason for what I would call our 'unexplained infertility'.

I'm confident that my OB won't brush us off but I have this fear that she won't take a very aggressive approach since: a) we already have one child, and b) since I had the miscarriage in February (5 months into our TTC journey). When we met with her to confirm the pregnancy/loss, she was very supportative in being as aggressive as we wanted to be. So that gives me hope.

In the past 9 months I have really changed my habits/diet. I make a conscious effort to eat healthier, drink lots of water (which is a huge step for me) and if I have bad day I allow myself to drink a caffeine free drink. I have tried to educate myself in ways to best prepare my body to be in the best 'shape' possible to be a welcoming environment to grow a little miracle for 40 weeks.

All of a sudden out of nowhere, last Friday I couldn't eat or drink anything without being in such awful pain. Then, not eating brought on the same effects. I tolerated it as long as I could and decided to go to urgent care on Sunday, after church. The staff advised me that they were so limited on what they could do (not able to run any lab test, ultrasound, etc) so they advised me to go to the ER. They got me checked in, got some blood, urine and then did an ultrasound of my "upper quadrant", checking my liver, right kidney, pancreas and gall bladder. After the results were in, the Dr let us know everything looked good and she suspected that the pain is probably due to a peptic ulcer. She advised me to follow up with my primary dr this week and that a scope would likely be done to confirm it that is what was causing the pain. She prescribed a couple different drugs and had a nurse come in to administer them. The first thing was a Prevacid, and then gave me a GI cocktail. OMG...that was one of the most non pleasant things I've ever drank. It really should be given with a straw. My entire mouth, lips, tongue, and throat was numb. Scary stuff...I did not like the feeling at all.

So after I drank that the nurse asked if I wanted the pain killer the dr had ordered, I said no, if this was going to work and get me some relief, I didn't need anything else. Well it didn't do anything for the pain so I said, 'Yup, I'm going to need something else...this is only numbing my throat'. I just loved how the nurse responded by saying, "I'm not surprised"...well then why in the world didn't you explain that to me to begin with. UGH!! I couldn't even understand what she was calling it, she just kept saying it was a 'pain reliever'. Then she said do you want it in your butt or your arm??...HUH???...I said, 'oh, it's a shot'...well I picked my arm. Well it definitely did the trick, I no longer had any pain but yikes...I didn't hardly feel anything. Maybe 10 minutes went by and she came in with my discharge papers. I asked if it was a muscle relaxer and she said no, "it's the strongest narcotic we have". 'Oh, ok' ((I looked over at my husband and said well that explains why I'm feeling like I am)). She said, don't worry, I will get you a wheel chair. DUH...there was no way I could walk out. Surprisingly we weren't there very long from the time we checked in till I was being wheeled out...about 2.5 hours.

She pushed me outside and we waited while my hubby went to get the car. As I was sitting there waiting, I just started feeling really weird and told the nurse, "I think I need to lay down". She said, yea it's hot out here, let me push you back inside in the air conditioning. Well, that didn't work, so again I told her I needed to lay down. So she pushed me over to a double chair (two chairs with no arm in the middle) and laid me down. She started yelling at the security guard to get someone to help her (I'm guessing at this point I looked like Casper's twin). I vaguely remember another nurse being there and getting me back in the wheel chair so they could lay me down on a bed. I again, said, I just really need to lay down...and that's the last thing I remember until I was in a room and they were trying to get me into a bed. I was barely conscious and between my blood pressure bottoming out and the affects of the medicine (which I now know is called Dilaudid) I couldn't hardly open my eyes, let alone be of any assistance to get myself into bed. I do remember thinking, oh please don't drop me. After they got me back into the bed and got me hooked up to the monitors, panic set in...my BP was only 60/43 with a pulse of 47.

I was given a dose of something to counter act the Dilaudid and hooked up to an IV, that was running wide open. They brought me some crackers, peanut butter and a sprite...which was really appreciated since I hadn't eaten since breakfast, which was just a handful of cheerios. Every time I tried sitting up, my BP would drop and I would get sick to my stomach...this went on for several hours. They had to give me another dose of meds that counter the affects of the Dilaudid and then gave me something for the nausea. Five hours after I was initially discharged, I was finally able to sit upright and make it to the car.

I'm so thankful for the Prevacid because it is really helping but I'm worried because although it's Category B for pregnancy, I hate to take anything that could affect an unborn child. I'm just hoping and praying I will only have to be on it for a few weeks to give the ulcer time to heal and then I won't have to take it anymore, or at least long enough to get through a pregnancy.  I know in the end, I will do what ever I have to do for a healthy pregnancy...whether I like it or not.